Training and Assessment Experts

In Real Life Training - Specializing in Face to Face training

Face to Face Training

For people you prefer a more personal approach.

Virtual Options

For remote learners or if you need more flexability.

Government Funding

Available for eligible students.

Courses we deliver

TAESS00015: Enterprise Trainer and Assessor Skill Set 

Upgrade to the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment 

Transition to TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment


TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment 


What is training?  And Why?

Training others in the skills and knowledge you have gained over your years of experience can be one of the most rewarding career choices you can make. The nationally accredited TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is the current industry benchmark for vocational educators, and meets the strict conditions of training compliance within the sector. As such, it can provide you with multiple pathways within the education sector, as well as corporate and enterprise training.

The new TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, was released in 2022 and supercedes but is also equivalent to the TAE40116 version. 

We have details of the new qualification on the course page.